Uniform Supplier: Alinta
Location: 383 Grange Road, Findon
Monday to Friday 9.00am – 4.30pm
Ph: 8447 2077
Online Orders and Uniform Fittings
Visit www.alintaapparel.com.au and select the link to Ocean View College to enter the school portal (Use the Orientation Letter link above for instructions on setting up an account). Using your personal login details, book a fitting, order, securely pay electronically and have it delivered to home or school. If you are unable to book online or need assistance, please contact Hambours on 8447 2077 or email customerservice@hambours.com.au
Uniform Policy
The Ocean View College Governing Council believes that a consistent school uniform policy creates a sense of collective and individual pride in both a student’s appearance and identification with their school.
The purpose of the uniform policy is to:
- promote equity amongst all students
- develop a sense of pride in, and identification with our school
- provide durable clothing that is cost effective and practical for a wide range of physical activities and weather conditions
- maintain and enhance the positive image of the school in the community.
Students who come to school out of school uniform will be expected to change into uniforms supplied by the Sub-School. These clothes will need to be washed, dried and returned to school the following day. Any students losing or damaging the loaned uniforms will be issued with an invoice to replace the clothing.
Shoes: students are required to wear enclosed shoes to school and school-based activities as part of the Ocean View College’s duty of care and Worker Health and Safety responsibilities. Shoes are black – this includes black soles, laces and eyelets.
Sun Smart Hat Policy: Primary years students are required to wear a broad-brimmed hat – no hat, no play. We also encourage ALL other OVC students to wear a hat for outside activities.
Jewellery and Makeup: Discrete jewellery and make up at all times. Jewellery items to be kept to a minimum.