
The Ocean View College canteen is outsourced and contracted to Rory’s School Lunches.

PRIMARY STUDENTS (Reception – Year 6) can only access the canteen at lunchtime (not morning/afternoon breaks)
SECONDARY STUDENTS (Year 7-12) can access the canteen for morning break and lunchtime


To save time during breaks, students and families are encouraged to order food online on QKR, (an app you can place on your mobile), before 8.30am.

Primary School students receive their lunch orders directly to their class via class student monitors.

High School students can move straight to the front of the queue to collect their pre-ordered meals.

For Qkr! enquiries please call Rory’s School Lunches office on (08) 7084 1801 (between 9:30am and 5pm Monday to Friday) or email

The college and Rory’s fully comply with the Department for Educations Rite Bite Policy.

VOLUNTEERING:  Parents are welcome to volunteer in our Canteen by contacting the schools Business Manager.  Our Schools Governing Council oversees decisions made surrounding the school canteen and have a Canteen Committee which includes parents and caregivers.
Please contact the schools Business Manager for more information
Canteen Phone: 08 8248 1422

Visit Rory’s School Lunches website


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