School Values
At Ocean View P-12 College, we believe it is vital that we address the needs of our students by making connections between the curriculum and student wellbeing.
It is imperative that we teach young people the personal skills that underpin resiliency, as evidence suggests that today’s world is not only more challenging, but that young people may also have fewer resources to deal with those challenges than previous generations.
Our Commitment
At Ocean View P-12 College we have a commitment to each and every child:
- Support the learning and wellbeing of all children and young people.
- Develop positive, supportive relationships with children, families and the wider community.
- Enhance success, academically, socially, emotionally and physically as they develop into young adults.
- Acknowledge needs, strength and aspirations through flexible and individualised learning opportunities.
Our Vision
As an inclusive community we maximise the potential of our young people, guiding them to become critical thinkers and confident, successful global citizens.
Our Values