Online Payments

  • QRK! App – Introducing Qkr! (pronounced ‘quicker’) by MasterCard, the secure and easy way to order and pay for school items from your phone at a time and place that suits you. With Qkr you can: Pay for school fees, uniforms, excursions and order and pay for your child’s lunches.

Other Payment Options

  • IN-PERSON – Cash, cheque, EFTPOS or credit card (Visa or MasterCard) payments can be made at the front office in main building.
  • OVER THE PHONE – Credit card payment can be made over the phone by calling us on 08 8248 1422.
  • PAYING BY INSTALMENT The Department for Education (DfE) direct debit by instalment facility will enable parents to complete an agreement for schools to deduct from the parent’s nominated bank or credit/debit card, an agreed amount either each week, fortnight or month until the full debt is paid. Please talk to our Finance Manager, for instalment applications.
  • CENTREPAY – we are able to offer a Centrepay option for Materials & Services payments. If you are in receipt of any Centrelink payments ie Family Tax Benefit, Parenting Payment, Disability Support, you can choose to have money regularly deducted from Centrelink payments to pay for Materials & Services Charges, subject fees, or extra curriculum activities.  Application forms are available from the school front office or contact Centrelink for more information on 13 24 90 or

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