
A pathway to success

Ocean View College has the unique opportunity to offer a seamless approach to curriculum delivery from Birth to Year 12. In particular the College is committed to providing the widest possible educational options and flexible programming for all our students. We believe that this emphasis will ensure positive learning outcomes and thus success for each student. Our curriculum is grouped under the eight learning areas which are:

  • The Arts
  • Humanities
  • English
  • Language (Japanese)
  • Mathematics
  • Physical Education
  • Science
  • Technology

In addition to our curriculum offerings we also provide the following opportunities:

Specialist Program

  • Outdoor Education

More information here

Aboriginal Education Programs

  • Clontarf Academy
  • SAASTA Connect
  • Stars Program

More information here

And a variety of Vocational Education and Training Courses (VET) courses for High School students.

Primary School Curriculum

A strong culture for success in the Primary School is reflected by the attitude encouraged by our staff to challenge our students to do their personal best with every opportunity. The core academic priorities of Literacy and Numeracy are presented in a manner that celebrates understanding, exploration and skill development and fosters areas of personal interest and growth. A variety of strategies are used to ensure that all student learning needs are catered for, from additional learning support through to intellectual stretch. Students engage with the Australian Curriculum and access specialist subjects including Music, PE, Art, Drama, Japanese and Technology, and have access to many additional facilities at the College.

Literacy Focus

The English Curriculum is based on 3 interrelated strands – Language, Literature and Literacy. Together, the 3 strands focus on developing students’ knowledge, understanding and skills in listening, reading, viewing, speaking, writing and creating. Primary School staff offer a wide range of teaching and learning experiences to maximise the outcomes for all students in Literacy by:

  • Having Primary School students participate in standardised testing in phonological awareness, phonics, spelling, and reading
  • Providing students with regular reading support with older students or adults
  • Having daily Literacy blocks for Reception to Year 6 students with a focus on the Big Six in reading (Oral language, Vocabulary, Fluency. Phonological Awareness, Phonics and Comprehension) guided writing, guided spelling
  • Reception to Year 2 students are involved in Guided Reading 3x per week in small groups at their own individual reading levels with teachers and SSO’s leading the groups
  • Ensuring Literacy skills are integrated across the curriculum throughout the day
  • Identifying students with high intellectual potential and providing them with challenging learning experiences
  • Explicit teaching of Literacy skills (eg: sounds, word patterns in spelling, sight words, writing styles, genres, punctuation, comprehension and handwriting)
  • Year 1 students are involved in the phonics screening tests annually which provides teachers with direction re: next steps for learning
  • Participating in basic skills testing (NAPLAN tests) in Literacy in Years 3 and 5 and PATR testing in reading Years 2-5
  • Making use of Cross-age tutoring opportunities for students in classes in reading, spelling, and writing
  • Having a strong focus on all children being confident at speaking, listening, reading, spelling and writing
  • Students read from decodable books and levelled books (Reading Recovery levels 1-30 and BAS levels) and participate in regular running record assessments.
  • A Speech Pathologist is available to follow up speech assessments, provide speech programs for students and provide further follow up for students who require additional support in this area


  • This curriculum area is organised around the interaction of 3 content strands:
  • Number and algebra
  • Measurement and Geometry
  • Statistics and Probability

There are 4 proficiency strands:

  • understanding
  • fluency
  • problem solving
  • reasoning

(These describe how the content is explored or developed – the“thinking”and“doing” of mathematics.)

Primary School staff offer a wide range of teaching and learning experiences to maximise the learning outcomes of all students in numeracy. Explicit teaching of maths/numeracy skills include:

  • Focusing on the Big Ideas in Number and teaching ‘open ended’ tasks to allow for students to all be successful mathematicians at their different levels of learning, including allowing for students with high intellectual potential -‘intellectual stretch’
  • A focus on children being confident mathematicians in the four processes (+, x, -, ÷)
  • ‘Hands on’, activity based lessons and the teaching of maths games to assist students to learn numeracy skills
  • Applying their mathematical knowledge to real life experiences
  • Basic skills testing in numeracy (NAPLAN tests) in Years 3 and 5 and PATM testing in Years 2-
  • Integrating ICT in the maths/numeracy program to provide opportunities for students to apply their mathematical knowledge to problem solve.

Health and PE

This curriculum area has 2 integrated strands:

  • Personal, social and community health
  • Movement and physical activity

The two strands provide a balance between health related and movement related knowledge, understanding and skills. Through Health and PE programs and participation in College sports, sports day etc. students:

  • Improve their personal fitness level through the Primary School, cross age, fitness program
  • Develop skills through lessons in daily fitness, game skills, ball skills, dance
  • Develop skills in friendship and teamwork
  • Learn about the importance of regular physical activity and a healthy lifestyle
  • Take part in the DfE annual Swimming Program
  • Access specialist Physical Education/ Health lessons with a specialist teacher
  • May be able to participate in some school sports after school/on weekends
  • Develop a range of social skills and life skills through the health and well-being program
  • Participate in school sports day
  • Participate in other fitness programs such as , the Premier’s Be Active Challenge, Jump Rope for Heart and the Colour Run
  • Opportunities to participate in multiple SAPSASA events


Primary School students are given the opportunity to learn in a contemporary environment where flexible doors and furniture mean exactly that. The tasks that require plenty of space are run by moving the furniture and opening the sliding doors to create open spaces that support the 21st Century learning. The curriculum is based on the Digital Technologies, but the focus is placed on the development of literacy and numeracy skills through cross-curricula activities. During these tasks, students research about the old and new technologies in order to generate new ideas and solve problems posed. As a part of a solution they design their solutions, create a prototype and spend time testing and evaluation their solution.

To help students navigate these activities, they are introduced to a plethora of tools, such as iPads to take photos/videos and produce creative presentations of their work; Bee-Bots to explore the science behind pollination and algorithms; WeDo’s to solve real world problems of humanities through moving parts and coding, Spheros to learn about the history and ethics of chariot racing (and participate in their own chariot); Makey-Makeys to learn about the conductivity of materials and create their own musical instruments out of fruits, Micro:Bits to learn about how the current (and data) travel through wires as well as outside the wires, the Internet and what that data is..

Tasks are normally started by exploring real-life problems in science, sustainability, humanities, history, literacy, art or mathematics and students are supported to think creatively and outside the square to produce solutions.

Information Communication Technology

Information Communication Technology is embedded across the curriculum at Ocean View. Students have access to computer rooms at the school as well as access to a bank of laptops to use in the classroom, in addition to Digi Tech lessons with a specialist Digi Tech teacher. Students learn to use the Microsoft Office Suite, including multi-tasking activities. The students are required to save and retrieve their files in order to keep track of their work. Digital photography is also utilised in student publications. Age appropriate, online learning programs and other programs to support digital learning (eg Reading Eggs, Code. Org, Code Kingdom, Minecraft, Office Word, Publisher, Power Point) internet access, learning objects, Web quests and problem based learning are also used to support cross curricula activities. The main computer suite and classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards and data projectors which greatly improve access to digital learning resources.

Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS)

HASS is a combination of studies in: History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship and Economics and Business.

Throughout this learning area, Rec – Year 6 students are engaged in the study of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultures. There is a strong focus throughout the year on significant cultural times and events including; Reconciliation Week, Sorry Day, NAIDOC and Cultural Week. Often these events are integrated across the four learning areas in HAAS to consolidate understanding, develop connection and make learning more meaningful.

Rec- Year 6 students also focus on learning about other people and their cultures from other countries around the world.

Civics and Citizenship (Years 3-6)

In Civics and Citizenship students undertake activities that are designed to help them understand and recognise different points of view, rights and responsibilities and the impact values and processes have on Australia’s democracy.

Students develop skills to question, research and present, as they engage with topics relating to law, rules, power, government, freedoms, rights and the media. Through their inquiry learning, students are able to determine their purpose and impact within our economy, as well as respect the viewpoints and input of others.

Economics and Business (Year 5-6)

Economics and Business allows students to distinguish between needs and wants when allocating resources. They describe factors that influence their choices as consumers and identify individual strategies that can be used to make informed consumer and financial choices. Investigation and evidence based learning is a major focus in this learning area. Students in the Primary School are provided with opportunities to develop enterprising behaviours such as initiative and problem solving and to apply these skills in a variety of settings.

Geography (Reception – Year 6)

Geography is the study of the many different places or environments which make up our world – it’s “the way of where”. Some of the key areas covered include: location sustainability, diversity, population, culture, landforms and environmental change. In Geography, students develop appropriate geographical skills and learn to investigate through questioning and inquiry.

History (Reception to Year 6)

History has a focus on Australian culture and the development of our country through traditions and migration. Students develop an appreciation of the richness of human past and its implications for our future. In this curriculum area R-6 children delve into understanding their identity through family trees, inquiry based learning and the stories of significant others. Through an understanding of their own and others’ stories, students develop an appreciation of the richness of the human past and its implications for the future. Students explore their own and their family’s history. Through this study, students develop their understanding of the world and their relationship to others past and present. Often these areas are integrated to consolidate and make learning more meaningful.


The Science content includes 3 strands:

Science Understanding

  • Biological
  • Chemical
  • Earth and Space
  • Physical

Science Inquiry Skills

  • Questioning and predictions
  • Planning and conducting
  • Processing and analysing data and information
  • Communicating

Science as Human Endeavour

  • Using our senses to explore and observe the world

The Primary School is fortunate to have access to Specialist Science teachers and facilities and at times may join with older classes to assist them in demonstrating their learning.

Languages: Japanese

This curriculum area is organised into 3 strands:

  • Communicating – using language for communicative purposes in interpreting, creating and exchanging meaning
  • Understanding – analysing language and culture as a resource for interpreting and creating meaning
  • Reciprocating – reflecting upon and interpreting self in relation to others in communication as language users and language learners.
  • Our L.O.T.E Language is Japanese. Japanese is taught from Reception to Year 12.
  • Primary School students have access to Japanese language/cultural lessons delivered by a specialist teacher
  • The Primary School is actively involved when the Japanese students from Uenohara High School visit Ocean View College. The students from Uenohara visit Primary School classrooms and students are involved in activities with Primary School students.

The Arts

This curriculum area includes 5 Arts subjects – Dance, Drama, Media Arts, Music and Visual Arts. Through the Arts we help children:

  • Develop freedom of expression and creativity
  • Generate, plan and experiment with ideas
  • Respond creatively to experience

Primary School students access specialist teachers in various areas of the Arts (Visual Arts, Drama, Dance, Music) Year 3 to 6 students can join the school choir or be involved in instrumental music (eg. (eg. piano, trumpet, flute, violin). These students also participate in College Arts showcases where students are given the opportunity to share the skills they have been learning in the Arts, with older students, family and friends. In a B-12 setting our younger students are very fortunate as Rec- Year 6 students are also able to view Senior School performances and art work

Primary school students in Years 2-6 can participate in the after school dance program which is levelled based on audition. This is also integrated throughout the sub-schools and is inclusive of students up to Year 12. Students are taught by a trained choreographer and learn basic jazz technique as well as learning routines in the styles of jazz, hip hop, contemporary, lyrical and musical theatre. These students perform at school assemblies and events. The team at the highest level participates in State level competitions.

The Primary School Arts curriculum exposes students to musical theatre studies such as dancing, singing and acting. Students learn fundamental singing and dancing techniques and practice expressive techniques and script work in their drama studies.

High School Curriculum - Middle Years 7 - 9

The Middle Years is a unique period of student growth and development. Ocean View College delivers a rich and diverse year 7-9 program designed to extend students’ academic skills, ability to collaborate, innovate and solve problems, promote personal development, and encourage attitudes of responsible citizenship. Year 8 students begin to negotiate aspects of their individual study program through “electives” to complement their study in the core curriculum.

Ocean View College has a well-established Middle Years focus for students in Years 7-9. Students spend a considerable amount of time with their Care Group teachers for a number of subjects as they transition to more independent learning. Based on the Australian Curriculum, teachers organise rigorous, relevant and engaging learning to address the individual learning needs of their students. We have high expectations and encourage our learners to take full opportunities/advantage of the programs we offer. We acknowledge and celebrate student success across the Middle Years.

Year 7

In year 7 at Ocean View College we believe it is imperative that teaching and learning should be worthwhile, engaging and challenging for all students. Our year 7 team caters for the diversity of individual learning needs by offering curriculum flexibility and allowing students and families to be actively involved in the planning process.

  • Differentiated literacy and numeracy blocks, streamed to meet ability levels for 2.5 hours each morning.
  • Specialist subjects on a rotational basis including: Home Economics, Technical Studies, Dramatic and Visual Arts and Physical Education.
  • Japanese is undertaken by all students at Ocean View College.
  • Participation in Aquatics activities including: surfing, canoeing, sailing and snorkeling.
  • Opportunities to undertake extra-curricular activities in Instrumental Music, Choir, and Students Working Actively Together (SWAT – leadership program).
  • An opportunity to participate in interschool sports such as: Netball, Cricket, Tennis, Basketball, Soccer, Football and Lawn Bowls.

Years 8 and 9

Teaching and learning in Years 8 and 9 is worthwhile, engaging and challenging for all students and it caters for the diversity of individual learning needs that creates a learning environment with perceived social worth to our students. Often student alienation and disengagement is a contributing factor to underachievement to many students in the middle years. Therefore at Ocean View College we supply a relevant and challenging curriculum, which is highly functional and paramount within their evolving view of society.

  • Encompassing the Australian Curriculum we offer a wide range of curriculum including: English A, Mathematics, Humanities Science, Language B, Visual Arts, Dramatic Arts, Physical Education, Sailing, Music, Japanese, Woodwork, Metal Work, Food and Nutrition and a number of ICT courses.
  • Japanese is compulsory in the first semester and a choice is offered in the second semester.
  • Opportunities to undertake extra-curricular activities in Instrumental Music, Choir, Clowning, Knock-Out Sport and Leadership in the Middle School (LIMS – leadership program).
  • Sailing Program at year 9.
  • An opportunity to participate in specialist year 9 days including: Healthy Lifestyle and Activities, Beach Carnival, Values Day, Sports Carnival and Girls Learn to Surf.
  • Pastoral Care programs with a focus on Social Learning, College Values and Career Guidance through an introduction to the Personal Learning Plan and Personal Project at year 9.

High School Curriculum - Senior Years 10 - 12

As students enter Senior Schooling at Ocean View College they begin to focus their generalist subjects into specialist pathways. This is an extremely important stage in schooling as it is a time when students need to prepare for life after college; whether that is full time employment, tertiary education or vocational pathways. The college offers courses in SACE Stage 1 and 2 with increasing opportunities to specialise and individualise their programs with ongoing developments in Vocational Education (VET) and online learning options. Our Senior Study Centre offers outstanding opportunities of choice in study facilities and fosters independent learning and personal organisation skills.

Specifically at Year 10

  • SACE induction program
  • Graduation into Senior School on successful completion of SACE induction program
  • Opportunity to undertake VET and Australian School Based Apprenticeships. Access to an Apprenticeship Broker
  • SACE subjects offered through choice (Aquatics, Outdoor Education, Peer Mediation)
  • Term 3 individual counselling appointments with parents/students for individual subject selection and concerns
  • Pastoral Care program with a focus on the Personal Learning Plan and career education
  • Flexible programming including part-time, work experience, home study and other courses aim to keep all students connected to the school
  • Opportunity for membership of Year 10 Leadership Group
  • Transition Day before commencing Year 11

Specifically at Year 11

  • Individual programming is the norm
  • VET integral in programming
  • Wide subject choice
  • Supervised Study line in the Senior Centre
  • SACE subjects that can be taken at Year 12 level whilst in Year 11
  • Access to Harbor View Campus for transition from school, formal VET programming, and possible Year 12 pathways
  • Term 3 individual subject counselling appointments with parents and students
  • Students with learning difficulties clustered for English/Maths with class and Senior Centre support
  • Opportunity for membership of Senior Leadership Group

Specifically at Year 12

  • Year 12 Induction Seminar early in Term 1
  • Supervised study lines in the Senior Centre
  • A well established culture including Year 12 Jackets, Year 12 Formal, Graduation Ceremony, Major School Awards and Honour Board
  • A pastoral care program focusing on career pathways
  • Support in navigating the tertiary entrance processes
  • Wide subject choice including the opportunity to undertake specialist classes at nearby schools through the Federation of Schools agreement
  • VET can still be a major component of programming
  • Close monitoring of student progress to ensure SACE patterns are maintained and specific goals met
  • End of year counselling and support to follow up SACE results, followed by January counselling and support with courses and pathway options
  • Harbor View Campus as a transition point or pathway to complete Year 12
  • Opportunity for membership of Senior Leadership Group

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